Experiencing back pain can reduce your general wellbeing and productivity, as your focus will be alleviating the discomfort. Additionally, chronic back pain can create more problems stemming from the condition, prompting you to seek advanced medical treatment. Subsequently, you may incur significant medical expenses, especially if you delay in seeking treatment. Therefore, you need to consult a medical professional with rich knowledge of back pain causes and treatment. With the information, you will have a better chance of improving the condition and avoiding invasive procedures like surgery.

By consulting Suarez Physical Therapy, you can access services from the best physical therapy specialists. Over the years, we have helped hundreds of patients seeking treatment in Las Vegas, Nevada, to overcome their back pain conditions for a better quality of health and life in general. The physical therapy team is ready to handle each patient's case according to the specific requirements, as each person is different. Thanks to personalized care, your body will adapt to the therapy faster for a successful treatment.

The Nature of Back Pain

While back pains manifest as irregular discomfort for some, others may start experiencing them abruptly. This is common, especially after a severe accident or injury from undertaking daily activities.

When you or a loved one notices a growing back pain, you may decide to wait for it to disappear or dismiss it as fatigue. However, the condition may become aggravated without a proper diagnosis, leading to further complications.

You can avoid dealing with subsequent medical problems by having a physical therapist examine you and prepare a suitable treatment plan. Your back pains may manifest in various forms ranging from a sharp pain to slow and dull discomfort. These varying sensations depend on the extremity of your condition and whether the pain has been recurrent.

While taking pain medication can alleviate your back pain, it is often not a full-term remedy for underlying problems. Since the medication only inhibits the pain receptors, you will need a more conclusive option to stop your pain altogether.

Back Pain Severity Among Patients

As mentioned, different patients experience a wide range of pain severity caused by injuries or health conditions. Despite this, you do not have to wait for extreme pain levels before consulting a physical therapist, as you may be in a chronic stage by then. Instead, reporting recurrent back pain is advisable to help you understand its cause and the possible remedies to apply.

If you are unsure of the pain you are experiencing, you can refer to the three main pain levels to help in the description. Afterward, the medical professional handling your case will be well-equipped to run tests and a diagnosis. The three main types of back pain are:

Acute Back Pain

The term acute is used in medical practice to describe a condition that has not yet advanced into serious symptoms. Thus, acute back pain relates to the initial discomfort you may feel after experiencing a triggering factor.

For some patients, the acute pain may only occur once, so it may not cause alarm. The acute pain arises from back discomfort, exertion of high pressure on your spine, or sudden body movement. However, if acute pain occurs more often, you must consult a medical specialist for further tests.

Recurring Back Pain

A recurring back pain diagnosis is issued to patients experiencing multiple episodes of acute pain. Your level of discomfort may vary depending on whether the triggering factors still affect you. For example, persons involved in heavy weight lifting may experience recurrent pain based on the continuous repetition of the exercise.

Chronic Back Pain

After repetitive exposure to back pain triggers, your body becomes less likely to recover fully. As a result, you may begin experiencing chronic pain. The condition is characterized by a continuous discomfort lasting for hours or days at a time. In extreme cases, the pain may persist and become a constant obstacle to face.

At this point, choosing to postpone a consultation meeting with a medical professional is detrimental to your health. The triggering factors may develop and cause complications if not treated, leading to catastrophic results. To avoid facing these outcomes, you can speak to your physical therapist to explore possible treatment remedies.

Factors Increasing the Chances of Having Back Pain

Although some forms of back pain may originate from undetected medical conditions, external factors also significantly influence the onset of back problems. These range from the kind of force applied on your back to the position you maintain your body at rest.

Since most of these external factors impose pressure on the back subconsciously, linking them to your back pain problems may not be a considered factor. Thus, learning of the possible back pain causes may help you prevent or reduce your symptoms. Some factors leading to back pains are:

Poor Sitting and Walking Posture

Everyone assumes a specific posture for their body, particularly when sitting, standing, or walking. Your posture should be an important element to consider when engaging in routine activities as it may strain your spinal cord or neck. Consequently, the recurrent strain on these structures causes deterioration in the body's wellbeing.

Often, patients with poor posture will report an accelerated increase in their back pain symptoms within a short period compared to those with a good one. This arises from the continuous pressure applied on the back and surrounding joints. Therefore, to avoid dealing with severe back conditions in the future, you should learn the various postures to avoid. For example, slouching or leaning forward when seated is detrimental to your neck and spine.

You should also remember that your sleep posture may cause back problems. Unfortunately, it often goes undetected because you will unconsciously assume a poor posture. Nonetheless, you can use several signs to prompt you to seek medical attention. For example, if you often wake up feeling tired and with lower back pains, your sleeping posture is most likely incorrect.

Lifting Heavy Objects Incorrectly

Although your body may be well equipped to lift heavy weights, your position may apply extra strain on your back. Heavy lifters are advised to maintain a straight torso position and bend their knees to absorb the load's weight force. Moreover, you should spread your feet to an appropriate distance for even pressure distribution. Without following these steps when lifting, you risk exposing your back to severe strain.

In difficult situations, the force on your back may cause spine disk dislocation, leading to the need for surgical remedies. However, you can avoid facing these serious outcomes by lifting weights in the recommended body position.

Engagement in Extreme Exercises

If you are a beginner in fitness activities, seeking the guidance of a professional trainer can save you from back pain hardships. Usually, participants in new fitness programs are not used to heavy lifting and exposure to extreme exercise positions. Subsequently, your back may be subjected to high pressure that is hard to recover from.

Without the guidance of a trained professional, you may continue using poor positions that aggravate your condition. Your trainer will therefore help you ease into the fitness regimens without straining your body. Alternatively, you can find videos online with useful information on how to position your back during exercise.

Severe Accidents Resulting in Body Injuries

Patients involved in accidents are also exposed to back pain conditions, depending on the severity of the injury. For example, involvement in a car accident that fractured your neck and spine can lead to persistent back pain. Further, work-related incidents like falling objects landing on your back or tripping against obstacles are serious safety risks.

Although you may do your best to uphold safety at all times, accidents still occur based on external factors. Due to this, you will need assistance from a certified physical therapist in regaining your overall well-being. Moreover, they will issue guidelines on the activities to avoid when undergoing recovery sessions. If followed right, these directives will help you prevent further injury.

Medical Conditions that May Cause Back Pain

Apart from external back pain triggers, your condition may be a result of underlying medical conditions. They may be diagnosed or undetected, depending on your medical history. Identifying these conditions without a medical professional's help is challenging. Thus, you want to consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible for proper screening. Some identified health conditions related to back pain include:

  • Acute or chronic osteoporosis

  • Bone fractures affecting the back

  • Spinal disk disease

  • Tumor growths along the spine

  • Alleviated osteoarthritis

Managing Back Pain Conditions

Back pain management requires a health care [provider for the best chances of a full recovery. Hence, the first step to take is to contact your physical therapist to schedule a consultation meeting. The specialist begins the session by collecting your name, contact information, and other identification details. During the appointment, you will have a chance to discuss your experiences with back pain. In addition, you can mention various factors, including the onset of your discomfort and any remedies you may have tried so far.

Additionally, the specialist seeing you will inquire about your medical history to help in the later diagnostic stages. You can disclose any relevant information, including whether you have had back surgery before. Female patients may also need to disclose whether they have been pregnant before determining. The specialist can determine whether their back suffered from strain during the pregnancy term, thanks to the information.

The Pain Management Process

Upon receiving clearance to undergo the subsequent procedures, you can immediately choose to continue with the necessary steps or schedule a separate appointment. Nonetheless, patients with chronic pain should continue with the processes in one session, as it reduces the waiting period. In return, they will avoid risks like spine complications resulting from delayed treatment. The process to follow when seeking back pain remedies involves:

  1. Conducting Tests to form a Diagnosis

The first procedure in forming a treatment plan involves running tests. By finding the causative agents for your back pain and diagnosing it, you will be ready for subsequent treatment. On the other hand, proceeding to seek therapy without understanding the reason for your back pain may be detrimental. The effects may also persist because the root of your problem remains undetected.

A qualified physical therapist will direct you to undergo several steps to guide you in making a final determination. For example, you may need X-ray imaging to assess your spinal disk placement. The presented images may also reveal additional complications that would have gone undetected, including a fractured disk.

Further, MRI and CT-Scans may be necessary to study the tissue surrounding your spinal cord. Thanks to the imaging results, your caregiver will detect any abnormalities and growths related to back pain. These include tumors and unattached nerve fibers.

Apart from ordering the tests, the medical professional may ask additional questions regarding your overall well-being. This is linked to your medical history and any previous injuries affecting your back. We encourage patients to disclose incidents that may have occurred long ago, as they may contribute to the current condition.

  1. Activity Assessment Based on Your Daily Routines

Learning of a patient’s physical activities can also be pivotal in forming a diagnosis and a treatment plan. This is because your activities may involve multiple back pain triggers that you may be unaware of.

Subsequently, you will need to answer several questions regarding the type of work you undertake daily, as well as what you do in your free time. For example, some work-related pain triggers include lifting heavy loads as a cargo loader or standing as a shop attendant for long hours. Similarly, people who enjoy taking high-risk excursions like hiking may be prone to back pain based on the likelihood of falling.

Your leisure time activities can also uncover details related to your back pain. For example, people who enjoy using their cellphones are likely to face down and slouch unconsciously, creating strain on the neck and spine. Again, your physical therapist can determine the causative factors and advise on the appropriate treatment options with all the collected details.

  1. Creating a Treatment Plan

When the specialist consolidates and assesses all the relevant details linked to your back pain, they will develop a treatment plan. Each plan should be personalized to a patient's needs for the best results, provided the standard procedures are included.

Although you may not feel the progress after beginning your physical therapy sessions, remaining patient is ideal. This is because the body may take time to adjust to these procedures. Over time, you will achieve the desired results and return to leading a normal life. Nonetheless, you can raise any concerns regarding the treatment to your healthcare provider, including extreme discomfort during the sessions.

Types of Physical Therapy Treatment Procedures

Once your physical therapist establishes the cause of the problem, they will apply the necessary treatment therapy. The options range from one patient to another, as each person has unique medical needs.

With continuous exposure to the treatment procedures, your back will regain a normal posture to relieve the pressure. Moreover, the therapist also attends to any inflammations related to back pain injuries to restore your well-being properly. Some treatment options available include:

  • Spinal massage and manual manipulation

  • Electric treatment to stimulate the spine

  • Heat treatment methods

  • Simple to moderate body flexibility exercises

  • Professional training on proper posture when undertaking activities

How to Maintain Recovery After Physical Therapy

Seeking pain management treatment from your physical therapist is an excellent way to remedy back pain. However, it does not necessarily protect you from recurring pain, especially if the triggers are still present. Therefore, you need to play an active role in upholding your well-being by avoiding strenuous activities and postures. Some tips to help you protect your back after treatment include:

  • Stay active by taking on exercises

  • Maintain good body posture

  • Do not lift heavy loads alone

  • Lift heavy loads carefully

Find a Las Vegas Physical Therapist

When you or your loved one experiences back pains, maintaining your routine life may become difficult. Even when the back pains are acute and spaced out, the experiences may decrease your ability to maintain your wellbeing. As a result, you want to prioritize seeking treatment by consulting a physical therapist who will help you manage your symptoms. Further, seeking treatment and pain management services as soon as the pains begin is more advantageous. Doing this avoids dealing with extreme complications that may require surgery and prolonged bed rest for recovery.

At Suarez Physical Therapy, you can begin pain management and treatment for back pain conditions ranging from acute to chronic. Our highly trained and compassionate team is happy to create a physical therapy treatment plan to suit your needs and promote fast recovery. Additionally, you can make inquiries and receive information from certified professionals for future reference. In doing so, you will avoid complications after completing the therapy sessions to maintain your wellbeing. If you are looking for a physical therapist to help with your back pains in Las Vegas, Nevada, reach us today at 702-368-6778.