Cuboid syndrome can be described as a condition that affects the cuboid bone and results in discomfort on the outside as well as the bottom part of a patient's foot. The cuboid bone could have issues that cause it to shift and detach from its natural position, resulting in pain and making it difficult to walk or stand. Athletes and dancers are most frequently affected by cuboid syndrome, though anybody can get it. If you wish to consult with a cuboid syndrome specialist in Las Vegas, we invite you to get in touch with us at Suarez Physical Therapy.

What is Cuboid Syndrome?

The cuboid bone is among the seven tarsal bones located in both feet. It is situated on the outside of the foot, mid-way between the heel bone and the little toe. The cuboid bone shifts and moves slightly during regular foot action. Cuboid syndrome, which is also known as cuboid subluxation, is a medical condition that occurs as a consequence of trauma to the ligaments and joints that are adjacent to this bone. Certain pressures or prolonged postures could lead the cuboid bone to shift too far, interfering with its natural position or function. This results in instant foot problems, which can be aggravated by walking or standing on the foot. This condition causes discomfort and pain at the center of the feet and presumably at the bases of the 4th and 5th toes.

What Causes Cuboid Bone Pain?

Cuboid Syndrome can be triggered by three major factors:

  • Injuries

An inversion ankle sprain is the leading cause of cuboid subluxation. This happens when the heel and foot bone are forced towards the inside as the cuboid is being forced outwards. The soft tissues that hold the bone in place are damaged by this inward twisting, which causes it to partly dislocate. In such situations, cuboid pain tends to appear suddenly.

  • Repeated Stress

According to studies, the majority of patients with cuboid subluxation possess overpronated, or flat, feet. s muscle attaches to the outermost part of the foot and goes down the outside of the lower feet. Jumping, running, and repeated motions like ballet (pointing) could put too much stress on the cuboid bone, which can lead to subluxation. For such cases, symptoms typically fluctuate and worsen gradually as time passes.

  • Modified Foot Biomechanics

According to studies, the majority of patients with cuboid subluxation possess overpronated, or flat, feet.

How Does Cuboid Syndrome Feel?

Cuboid syndrome is characterized by severe discomfort on the outside and perhaps bottom part of a patient's foot. This pain normally does not progress to the remainder of the leg or foot. It usually begins unexpectedly and goes on for the entire day. Standing or walking might aggravate pain and render walking normally on the foot difficult. Moving weight from the foot usually immediately relieves the pain. When the patient is not putting any pressure on the foot, they can generally move easily and with minimal to no discomfort. However, if not treated, the pain while walking and standing might last for several days, weeks, or even longer.

Surgical procedures are not normally required to address cuboid syndrome. A physical therapist could assist you in establishing if you have cuboid syndrome and help develop the best treatment plan for you depending on your unique condition as well as objectives.

Signs and Symptoms of Cuboid Subluxation

Cuboid Syndrome is generally characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Lateral Foot Pain

The pain experienced runs along the outer part of the foot, which might extend to the toes and ankle.

  • Pain Tends to Increase with Activity

Pain is often severe when weight-bearing, especially in the mornings, on uneven surfaces, fast-changing directions, hopping, or jumping, while signs and symptoms improve with rest.

  • Walking Difficulties

Walking can be challenging, and patients with cuboid subluxation usually limp as they walk to place the weight on the outermost foot.

  • Swelling and Tenderness

This bone is typically painful to the touch, while the surrounding region could be mildly swollen and red.

  • Weakness

The affected foot might feel weak as well, particularly in the push-off stage of running, walking, and skipping.

Cuboid Syndrome Diagnosis

Your physiotherapist will perform a full evaluation, which includes an assessment of your medical background. They will also ask you specific questions concerning your condition, including:

  • When and how did the pain begin?

  • What kind of discomfort are you experiencing, and where are you experiencing it?

  • What are you currently unable to execute in your everyday life, job, or sport because of the pain?

The physiotherapist will examine your body using tests to identify any physical issues, including:

  • A cuboid bone that is out of place

  • Stiffness or weakness in the leg and foot muscles

  • Stiff joints

  • Problems with walking or standing

To assist you to start the path to recovery and return to your everyday routines, physiotherapy treatment could start immediately away once your physiotherapist discovers any of the aforementioned issues.

The physical therapist can work in conjunction with a doctor to seek specialized diagnostic testing, for example, an X-ray, when more serious issues are identified or diagnosed. To guarantee that you obtain the correct diagnosis as well as the best possible care, physiotherapists work collaboratively with doctors and other healthcare professionals.

Risk Factors of Cuboid Syndrome?

The following are typical cuboid syndrome risk factors:

  • Being obese or overweight

  • Wearing too tight or inadequately supportive footwear

  • Not thoroughly stretching your feet before you begin a workout session

  • Not giving your foot adequate time to recover before engaging in exercise again

  • jogging, walking, or performing physical activities on uneven surfaces

  • Shattering a cuboid-connected bone

  • Doing ballet, a dance that is among the most common causes of cuboid syndrome

The following conditions can raise the likelihood of cuboid syndrome:

  • Certain kinds of arthritis, such as gout and osteoarthritis

  • Bone disorders like osteoporosis

How To Treat Cuboid Syndrome

The following therapies work best for cuboid syndrome:


The bone is moved back into its correct place is the most effective remedy for a patient's cuboid bone. To move the cuboid bone, a health specialist, for example, a doctor, physiotherapist, or podiatrist can perform a manipulation act, which involves a high velocity (fast) small amplitude shove. This needs to only be done by a qualified practitioner. If this is done properly, the cuboid syndrome symptoms usually disappear immediately.

If you have gout, bone illness, rheumatoid arthritis, dislocation, or vascular or nerve issues, you should avoid cuboid syndrome manipulations. Other therapies will assist in keeping the bone in the appropriate place and address any remaining problems after appropriate manipulation.


Physical exercises are a crucial component of the cuboid syndrome recovery process. Daily strengthening, as well as mobility exercises, need to be done to avoid making the foot tense and weak. Once the initial symptoms of cuboid pain have subsided, balance exercises need to be incorporated. You run a higher likelihood of suffering subsequent ankle sprains or other ankle and foot problems if balancing exercises are overlooked.

Workout activities for cuboid syndrome need to begin as soon as feasible, be performed slowly as the symptoms permit, and maintained till the foot has recovered its full functionality. Full functionality will be recovered more quickly after a cuboid subluxation if rehabilitation is started right away. It could take longer for chronic (long-term) conditions to resolve.


To strengthen and balance the bones inside the foot having cuboid syndrome, the tape is usually applied to the ankle and foot. To maintain the cuboid in position while the adjacent soft tissues recover, a medical tape is utilized to reinforce and support the foot's bones. You ought to be able to walk pain-free after taping.

Ice Therapy

Cuboid syndrome pain and swelling can be eased with ice therapy. The outer part of your foot can be treated for 10 minutes at each period with an ice compress or frozen vegetables bags covered with a clean cloth.


As the foot recovers from a cuboid subluxation, it's vital to avoid activities that make the pain worse. To keep the weight off the affected foot, this can necessitate using crutches for a brief amount of time.

Cuboid Wedge

Additionally, a little foam wedge that supports the cuboid bone in its proper position could be provided to you to put inside your shoe.


You could also be provided orthotic insoles for your footwear to rectify your foot placement to release pressure on the fibularis longus muscle and help the foot arches and bones if it is believed that over-pronation of the foot (also known as flat feet) was a contributing feature in the onset of cuboid syndrome.

What Help Can a Physical Therapist Offer?

The cuboid syndrome usually responds promptly to treatment. Your physiotherapist will engage with you to create a customized treatment plan that includes exercises and procedures that you may practice at home. Physiotherapy will assist you in returning to your regular lifestyle and pursuits. When an appropriate treatment regimen is adopted, visible progress can be obtained in one or two physical therapy sessions, with overall recovery occurring within several weeks or even less.

Your physiotherapist could recommend that you do the following during the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours after being diagnosed with cuboid syndrome:

  • Avoid any type of hopping, running, or jumping

  • Prolonged walking should be avoided

  • Wear shoes with flat, stiff soles

  • Keep moving around your house and take short walks a few times each day. The motion will assist you in feeling better by reducing stiffness and pain

  • Use ice compresses to the affected region for fifteen to twenty minutes every two hours

The physical therapist will assist you in:

Repositioning and stabilizing the cuboid. The physiotherapist could use manual therapy (their hands) to realign the cuboid bone to enable it to start moving as it should be. This has the potential to alleviate the majority of the pain as well as reestablish the capacity to walk and stand. Your physical therapist could then utilize a variety of workouts and procedures to maintain the rectified position of the cuboid bone. These might include foot workouts, foot taping, recommendations for footwear, and guidance on when you should restart the physical exercise.

Enhancing movement. To aid in regaining regular motion in the foot or any other stiff joints, the physiotherapist will select a specific set of exercises and treatments. These could start with "passive" movements the physiotherapist does for you to start moving a joint and advance to stretches and active activities that you undertake on your own. To quicken recovery and pain management, you can carry out these motions both at home as well as at work.

Lessening the pain as well as other symptoms. To start the healing process, your physiotherapist will assist you in understanding how to prevent or tweak the actions that resulted in the injury. To manage and address your symptoms and pain your physiotherapist could employ a variety of techniques and tools. The emphasis will be on using gentle motion, icing, and physiotherapy to lessen pain without resorting to prescription drugs.

Enhance your strength. When your physiotherapist discovers any weak muscles, he or she will select the best exercises to gradually regain your endurance and mobility and instruct you on how to do them. Ankle and foot muscle physical activities are extensively provided to help in strengthening the tendons and muscles that surround the foot's arch, the cuboid bone, and ankle for treating cuboid syndrome.

Increasing flexibility. Your physiotherapist will identify any tense muscles in the region, begin assisting with your stretching activities, and show more of your at-home stretching techniques.

Obtain a home regimen. The physical therapist will instruct you on how to perform at-home routines to help build strength, stretching, as well as pain relief. These activities will be tailored to your unique needs; if performed as directed by your physiotherapist, they will assist you in recovering faster.

Boost your endurance. Recovering muscle endurance following an injury is critical. Your physiotherapist will design an activity regimen to assist you in restoring and enhancing the strength you possessed before your injury.

Resume your normal routine. Your physiotherapist will talk with you about your exercise levels and utilize them to establish work, recreational, as well as home-life rehabilitation goals. The treatment plan will assist you in achieving your objectives in the best, quickest, and most efficient manner possible. Your physiotherapist could instruct you on how you should pick the most ideal footwear to prevent putting unnecessary strain on your cuboid bone, as well as how to provide specialized assistance including orthotics.

When your pain has subsided, you must maintain your foot workouts at home to ensure your foot remains healthy and free from pain. Physical therapist therapy produces great outcomes in all except the most severe cases. This ailment generally does not require surgical procedures or pain medications (like prescription opioids).

Is it Possible to Avoid this Injury or Condition?

To minimize cuboid syndrome, people should do the following:

  • If you're wearing stiff heels or high heels, you should avoid stomping forcefully on surfaces like concrete or rocks

  • In general, refrain from stomping with excessive vigor

  • After engaging in high-level sports or dancing activities, calm down a bit and do some light stretching

  • Avoid jogging, dancing, lengthy walks, or other forms of physical activity when wearing stiff or high heels

  • Ask for advice on the best footwear

  • Talk to a physiotherapist about your job so they can analyze your duties and make recommendations for lowering your likelihood of injuries

  • Maintain a flexible and strong body. Maintain a regular physical activity schedule to keep your fitness and weight levels in check

Follow the recommendations above to avert a reappearance of the cuboid syndrome, and also:

  • To keep your gains, keep performing the foot workouts you were taught by the physical therapist

  • To assist you in retaining your gains, keep performing any additional exercises at home that your physiotherapist has instructed you to undertake

  • Keep exercising and maintain a healthy lifestyle

Who Should I See for Physical Therapy?

All physiotherapists have the training and expertise necessary to treat patients with this issue. Consider the following:

  • A physical therapist with expertise in handling orthopedic as well as musculoskeletal issues.

  • A physiotherapist who has earned board certification as a clinical expert or who has finished an orthopedic physiotherapy internship or fellowship. With his or her advanced training, expertise, and abilities, this physiotherapist may be able to help with your issue

The following are some general pointers for finding a physiotherapist:

  • Obtain referrals from friends, relatives, and other medical professionals

  • Inquire about the physical therapists' experience treating patients with this problem when you call a physical therapy institution to schedule an appointment

  • Be ready to provide as much information as you can about your symptoms, including what makes them worse

What Can You Do to Recover From Cuboid syndrome?

Cuboid syndrome pain usually goes away just several days following a mild foot injury. When the cuboid syndrome is induced by a sprained ankle or any other serious injury, total recovery could take 4 to 8 weeks. To guarantee a speedy recovery:

  • With your doctor's advice, you can seek out a physiotherapist

  • After engaging in intense exercise or physical activities, you should rest your foot for a few hours

  • To give your foot a break, combine different workouts or cross-train

  • Before working exercise, stretch your legs and feet for a minimum of10 minutes to prevent sprains or other injuries to the muscles

  • If your physician determines that you have a severe sprain, wear a cast or splint

Find an Experienced Physical Therapist Near Me

You can get in touch with Suarez Physical Therapy if you have any inquiries concerning Cuboid syndrome. We are a reputable physical therapy facility in Las Vegas that focuses on specialized care to help patients meet their specific health goals. We are committed to providing top-notch services to enable you to quickly resume your normal daily routine. Call us today at 702-368-6778.